
Perspective of desert island
Styrofoam, back light film, LED lighting, acrylic board, cage, bondage, etc.

アッセンブリッジナゴヤ2016 パノラマ庭園ー動的生態系にしるすー
Assembridge NAGOYA 2016 Exhibition
PANORAMA GARDEN Discovering Signs in an Alternative Ecosystem
Photo : Tetsuo Ito
Photo courtesy | Assembridge NAGOYA Executive Committee


2016年5月17日に名古屋港見学船でポートアイランドを訪れた。ポートアイランドは名古屋港航路拡大の整備に伴って発生する土砂が堆積して形成され た人工島であり、未だに所属先が決まっていない土地である。
雨の後で土地がぬかるんでいるという理由により、上陸は岸壁しか許されなかったが、そこで鳥の白骨を発見した。コンクリートの上で白骨を発見する ということは、自然の状態が保たれるこの島の特異な現状を象徴する。

“Port island” is an uninhabited island made by dredge soil located in the middle of the Port of Nagoya. Inspired from a discovery of a skeltonized bird, keywords of the work are “uninhabited island” and “bones”.The venue was formerly on arthopedic clinic, which strangely links to OLTA’s background that have been exhibiting works related to bodies.
In this work, a room in which a person resides was interpreted as an inhabited island, and details of the room were collected as photographs. Various objects of the room were abstracted and converted via various transformation methods, such as the 3D printer or paper-craft software, which then became returned inside the room. The room also has radiographs scattered around, taken by finding rugged surfaces of the orthopedic clinic and turning the area into a light box. Viewers will be swaying back and forth between somebody’s room and elsewhere, creating a platform of recreation and reunion.